Main Features
Create and manage work requests.
Validate and prioritize interventions.
Define and assign tasks.
Plan the agenda.
Monitor and close interventions.
Main Strengths
Centralize and track requests for interventions, works, requests…
Facilitate coordination work and task planning.
Analyze the time spent and the costs related to the interventions.
Interventions Module
Software for municipal management
Features in details
- The Applicant, identification from the available directory or automatic recognition of login details (user ID).
- Request, wording, description, geolocation, department concerned, document and photo attached, option to qualify as an urgent request.
- Processing, validation, refusal or transfer of the request with explanations (required field),
- Prioritisation, date on which the intervention should theoretically closed and et who it concerncs.
- Categories, qualification of the nature of the request (road, green space, repair, cleaning, snow removal, fire hydrant…).
- Alerts, notification sent to the request during registration and during validation/refusal.
- Planification, asignment of the task, the intervention to an agent, a team or a service provider.
- Agenda, management of hours worked and absences in the calendar view.
- Ressources, verification of the availability of the equipment and vehicle necessary for the intervention.
- Sheets, printing of the interventions sheets, separated or grouped by team, week, …
- Monitoring, verification of the process of the intervention and control of those who deadline has passed.
- Cost, automatic generation of the cost of an intervention, broken down between the human cost, materials and supplies.
- Stock, verification when creating the task, the availability of supplies in stock.
- Statement, entry of time spent and supplies actually consumed.
- Closure, automatic of the intervention when the last task is picked up.
- Alerts, notification to the applicant indicating that the intervention has been carried out.
Our CMMS benefits
For the interventions Module
The Interventions module aims to facilitate the entry of requests by municipal departments and also by the citizens themselves. For example, a school principal could report to the technical services the repairs to be made directly from her acces in NAOgst. This would give her a follow-up on the progress of the intervention, both on the software and through notifications received by email.
However, the assignment of interventions to service providers, suppliers, makes it possible to cover all possible scenarios. For work that extend on several weeks, The Director of Public Work and department manager can monitor the proper execution of the interventions and be alerted of any delays (snow removal, repairs, renovation, etc.).
Finally, the Interventions module automatically calculates the cost of the intervention. It takes into acount the human cost, the material cost and the cost of the using the equipment.
For the technical department
The first challenge of our Municipal Management Software is to centralise and track the demands and requests.
Indeed, the municipality has difficulty collecting the existing demands through various channels (phone calls, emails, a citizen passing through the reception of the garage or in the streets, or though social networks).
Secondly, the benefit of this Intervention module is to facilitate the coordination and communication for and between the municipal services.
Once the request has been validated, it is up to the Director to send to his agents the list of tasks (intervention sheet). Depending of the urgency, the Director may first plan the tasks through the calendar for a better management of agendas.
The assets such as the vehicules, the materials and the supplies will either be reserved before or declared during the statement of the task (at closure).
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